SiriusGame was conceived on the basis of various pedagogical theories including: Social Constructivism, Immersive Learning, Constructionism, Socio-Emotional learning, Positive Psychology and Global Learning, with special attention to the development of critical thinking, the exploration of diversity and social activism.

Our goal is to propose inclusive teaching, which can support each student in his or her uniqueness, offering multiple ways of learning about the ancient world.



Upon entering Sirius, users will go through a multitude of playful activities that will strengthen their knowledge and engagement.


Sirius is a journey into the ancient world: a story divided into adventures, which will follow the user's progress, rewarding them at each milestone achieved.



Thanks to the collaboration with Lithodomos, it will be possible to undertake numerous virtual tours of the most fascinating sites in the Mediterranean.


"What's the use of studying Latin and Greek today? Aren't they dead languages?"

We do not believe that the study of ancient languages serves only to train our brains to be more elastic or to learn about events and people who lived a long time ago. The study of the ancient world isn't just an end in itself: on the contrary, the critical analysis of our roots has value as a key to understanding our present.

At this point we may ask ourselves why we cannot study texts in translation: knowledge of texts not mediated by translation is necessary in order to fully understand the culture of a people. Language remains one of the most important expressions of a community, its traditions and its way of thinking: reading the translated texts would create an additional filter.

Finally, we have chosen to look at the ancient world as a key to understanding and a starting point for dialogue in the present; for this reason we have decided to include anachronisms and contaminations which, faced with a critical spirit, serve to question paradigms and prejudices from antiquity to the present day.


A new representation of the ancient world

For too long, the study of the ancient world has been a privilege of the few.
Instead, we believe it is our duty to create a learning environment that supports anyone who wishes to explore these subjects for academic reasons or for personal interest. For this reason it is important that SiriusGame offers an inclusive representation of the diversity of our community. In the platform there are some anachronistic aspects.


“Until the end of my days I will be grateful to Scaurus for forcing me to study Greek. I loved that language for its flexibility of a trained body, the richness of the vocabulary in which each word affirms the direct contact of varied realities, I loved it because almost everything that men have said best has been said in Greek...

Marguerite Yourcenar - MEMOIRS OF HADRIAN

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